There are many things I love about being a female gamer – people tend to be more sociable with you online and I’ve met some great people…and I can’t deny there’s nothing better than schooling some cocky guys who let their guard down because you’re only a gamer chick! But there is a downside, and it’s one I experience first hand continuously and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The downside of course is the men out there that seem to have made gamer girls the fashionable new fetish to have. Along with the friends requests I get more than my fair share of obsessives. First they beg for a picture (n.b. I do have an xbox cam I just refuse to tell anyone who isn’t a real life friend about it!) then come the lewd messages which lead not surprisingly to a swift complaint being file and removal from my list.
Once upon a time, and yes, younger readers will laugh, the Internet wasn’t full of smut and was actually a safe and informative environment. I just can’t believe we’ve got to the stage where consoles are now being used in such a way. Not to sound like a total naive prude but I use xbox chat for gaming purposes and gaming purposes only! I’ll give out tips, I’ll chat to friends, I’ll share the latest gaming goss, but I will not put up with what seems to me to be completely bizarre behaviour. You wouldn’t act this way to a woman you just walked past in the street so why do people do it online?! Yes there are many attractive women out there that play games but 99% of us are online only to enjoy the pleasures of gaming.
Fully aware this blog was just a much needed rant I’ll be wrapping it up about now but hopefully some of the people who read this blog will learn from it. Online communities are about just that – “community”, and just like real life a small number must try and spoil it for the rest of us.
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