[vc_row full_width=””][vc_column][td_block_text_with_title block_template_id=”td_block_template_13″ custom_title=”The Ready Up Archives” big_title_text=”The Ready Up Archives”]
Ready Up have been creating content about games for over a decade, starting back in the distant past of 2007. During that time we have had tons of amazing contributors, some of whom have since moved on to even greater things within the gaming world including (but not limited to) becoming successful game developers, community managers, You Tubers and even writing the odd book or two.
Here within the Ready Up Archives you can look back over all the content we have created, pop on the rose-tinted spectacles and reminisce about the hazy, simpler days of gaming with all of the old crew.
[/td_block_text_with_title][td_block_9 custom_title=”Archived Posts by Year >>” block_template_id=”td_block_template_8″ limit=”45″ ajax_pagination=”load_more” category_id=”2671″ td_ajax_filter_type=”td_category_ids_filter” td_ajax_filter_ids=”2671,2672,2673,2674,2675,2676,2677,2678,2679,2680,2681″ td_filter_default_txt=”ALL (PLEASE CHOOSE A YEAR)”][/vc_column][/vc_row]