Tag: WOW

  • Yet Another MMO Log: WildStar

    Because “Scott tries out Furry-FireFly-World of Warcraft-Crossing” is too long for a blog title.

  • The Next Generation Xbox to be revealed tonight

    Months of speculation and wild unfettered rumours lead up to this, the night when Microsoft finally tell us all about their next console. Will it be always online?  Does it block used games?  Will you need to hold on to your 360 to continue playing the games of the current gen?  All will be revealed…

  • A Weekend with The Old Republic – Part 2

    Please note: this blog post contains minor gameplay and story spoilers for the first 20 levels of The Old Republic. In my last blog, I spoke of the story virtues of Star Wars: The Old Republic. But how does the game play? It would be sad for me to fall back on saying “Like World…

  • A Weekend with The Old Republic – Part 1

    Please note: this blog post contains minor gameplay and story spoilers for the first 20 levels of The Old Republic. My subscription for Star Wars: The Old Republic was pretty much guaranteed when, after my character greeted his Jedi Master during the interactive opening cinematic, I realised he was voiced by David Hayter, the voice…

  • Sucked into Starter Edition

    The other week Colin wrote up his experience of revisiting World of Warcraft via Blizzard’s new Free to Play version, or rather, untimed trial, of WoW, the Starter Edition. I, however, had never played WoW before a few weeks ago… so this is my spin on things. One of my hang-ups for games is the…

  • Let’s Do The Time Sink Again!

    Right, really, I’m not fucking around this time, I am 100% done with World of Warcraft. I got back into it again after falling into it more as a social game than anything else. Recently though, I can’t play with the other guys in my guild because I’m not level 80 yet, I’m level 74…