Tag: sonic
Greg Martin passes away
On 3rd January 2014, Bronty, a moderator on Nintendo Age forum posted a message announcing the passing of his friend, the illustrator Greg Martin. The post starts: “It is with a heavy heart that I announce today the passing of my friend Greg Martin. Greg was the exceptionally talented illustrator that created the packaging artwork…
I’m clearing out my room. In a bid to sort the house out, I’m going through all the stuff that’s currently in my bedroom and tossing away all the crap I don’t need anymore. It’s weird seeing all the things that I’ve owned that used to mean a lot to me that I’ve forgotten about…
The Silent Sidekick
This Blog is dedicated to all of the ‘Player 2’s out there. When I play alone, all is well. I kick the Call of Duty campaign’s arse very sufficiently indeed. I blissfully get carried away with single player gems like Braid, Singularity, Bioshock, etc. It’s all good. I am a one woman gaming tank… type… thing.…
With The Good, Comes The Bad
Gaming, and gaming culture, has gone down a funny route these past ten years or so. On the one hand, it is a lot more mainstream, and it’s getting more and more acceptable to say ‘hey, I’m 35. I own an Xbox 360’. It’s not really seen as a thing you should have quit when you turned 12 anymore. It is easier…
E3 and Me: Return of the 2D Classics
At another E3 where the big three try to persuade us we need to use new methods of interaction to get on with our gaming, I’m more than a bit fed up with being told that I need to waggle my hands, arms, legs or controller around just to play a game. If I wanted…