Tag: Sonic the Hedgehog

  • I drew u sum pics

    I drew u sum pics

    Once a librarian asked Danny if he could detail a book he was meant to have read. He recited a poem instead.

  • Game Tat Vol. 01

    Danny rummages through his boxes from Japan to find some amazing game tat!

  • Greg Martin passes away

    On 3rd January 2014, Bronty, a moderator on Nintendo Age forum posted a message announcing the passing of his friend, the illustrator Greg Martin. The post starts: “It is with a heavy heart that I announce today the passing of my friend Greg Martin. Greg was the exceptionally talented illustrator that created the packaging artwork…

  • Boxing Day

    It was Boxing Day. Having spent the previous day eating what must have been as much as a week’s worth of dinners, it was definitely time to relax. As we went round to the gathering of relatives, each nursing a rather full tum and politely turning down the host’s eager wishes to see if more…

  • Gaming and Conservation

    I recently got a job working as assistant comms officer for the Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the oldest of all the wildlife trusts in the UK and custodian of over 50 nature reserves around the county, including a large part of the famous Norfolk Broads. The problem is it’s a well known fact – documented by…