Tag: reach

  • Prophets of Continuity

    Continuity is a fantastic thing. Defined as ‘the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time’, in fiction this relates to events that have already happened in a story arc being remembered and playing their part in the current tale.  Some series do fine without bothering with it: the Final Fantasy games…

  • Reach Rage

    Halo Reach has me raging again. As you may have gathered from my previous thoughts on the game, I’m a total whore for the Halo credits. For me, there’s nothing better than watching that little bar at the bottom of the screen edge ever closer to the right with every single credit I acquire. Finally…

  • Online Diplomacy

    As you probably already know, I’ve been playing Halo: Reach recently. A lot. I love it. I love popping headshots on enemies that have lost their shields. I love filling someone with a load of spikey pink death needles. I love clocking people in the face with a big, fat sticky blue ball and I…

  • The Paperback Edition

    To many people a storyline in a game is just a needless distraction, something whose only real purpose is to flesh the game out with more content which adds to the amount of time it takes to complete the game thanks to all those talking scenes. There is however another camp that believes storyline in…