Tag: Portal

  • Bored? Game! – Portal

    Aperture Science accepts no responsibility for arguments or loss of life during this board game.

  • Win an Art Print with GameTee

    We all know that gaming can be a form of art, be it through the graphics, music or the act of play itself. However, over at GameTee, gaming has become actual art. The kind of art that you can hang on your walls and add that extra a spot of class to your gaming den…

  • Games of the Generation – Part 1: The Whimsical

    The so called seventh generation of games consoles finally came to an end this year after an eight year inning with the release of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (although Nintendo jumped the gun in 2012 with the Wii U). Those years saw many games and many changes, but so much more than that,…

  • We Play Games – Games of the Generation

    With the new generation of consoles looming, Zoey asks some of the team which games were the highlights of this generation for them.

  • Pass the Bucket Please

    Just to let anyone know in advance in case somehow you meet me at a fairground, don’t sit next to me on rides. I won’t puke up on you (I’ll try not to), but I will start going green around the gills. So, just a little heads up. I’m not so bad travelling, but I can’t read books or…