Tag: Portal 2

  • Confessions of a Gamer – Just Smile and Nod

    Do you fall for the hype surrounding videogames? See what Juliette thinks of it and her response to it.

  • A Stocking Full of Coal

    Christmas time is always a joyous time for PC gamers. During the festive season, the good people at Valve go bonkers and drastically reduce the price of selected games as part of the Christmas Sale. And don’t go thinking that it’s only mediocre games getting a price slash. Last year, quality titles including, but not…

  • Co-opted

    I may have mentioned before that I am a bit of an antisocial git and have largely been resentful of the current generation of video games’ emphasis on online multiplayer. This isn’t simply because it requires me to potentially play with strangers (who are as likely to headshot you and teabag your corpse as they…

  • Thinking With Chime

    PSN being down was definitely disappointing for me and that was before we found out exactly why it was down. I’m not going to go into the reasons why it was unavailable over chocolate egg weekend and for ages after, because there are a lot of people who have already done that. I’m just going…