Tag: Mirror’s Edge

  • Dead Island Developers Reveal Dying Light

    Zombies are once again involved, but rather than simply being a shooter, Dying Light promises to be an open-world survival horror experience, tasking players with scavenging large, urban environments in the search for the right gear needed to survive against the undead. The titular dying light apparently references a central game mechanic: enemies become considerably…

  • Video Game Soundtracks

    My background, from when I left school, was musical and I suppose it still is. It’s just well hidden. I really do appreciate good audio in games because I believe it can make a good game a great game. Recently, whilst working my way through Bastion, I found myself head bopping to the background music…

  • Pass the Bucket Please

    Just to let anyone know in advance in case somehow you meet me at a fairground, don’t sit next to me on rides. I won’t puke up on you (I’ll try not to), but I will start going green around the gills. So, just a little heads up. I’m not so bad travelling, but I can’t read books or…

  • Love and Hate on the Edge

    I have mentioned in a previous blog the odd effect that Mirror’s Edge can have on a person, however, that is not the subject of this piece.  We have love/hate relationships with many things: films, songs, people, and games and Mirror’s Edge is no exception.  It is by far one of the most breathtaking, innovative…

  • Edge of lunacy

    Being the new year, one feels obliged to go with the flow and make some sort of resolution; or in my case, I couldn’t be bothered to rebel against tradition.  ‘Get more exercise’ was fished from the generic pool of New Year flotsam and tacked to my to-do list next to other equally unrealistic notes…