Tag: Mass Effect
The Back Catalogue – Dragon Age: Origins
With the recent release of Dragon Age: Inquisition, Scott returns to the 2009 title that began BioWare’s fantasy trilogy.
Of Choice and Consequence
Shaun is a man that makes terrible choices, and explores the ramifications of their consequences.
Videogames at the Movies: Our Favourite Scenes
It’s summer and that means explosions. It’s the season when Hollywood dusts off its carbines, ties a red headband on and starts competing for those box office bucks, all guns blazing. But videogames are no slouch in the action department either. Ours is a medium that has long drawn inspiration from the silver screen, and…
Mass Effect: A New Hope
James touches on what makes a good Mass Effect game and asks the questions that need to be answered by the next instalment…
Mass Confusion
Why is it so difficult to purchase Mass Effect DLC? Michael Slevin explores the minefield that is Bioware Points.
Playing Gay is OK
Gemma explores the gay in gaming, highlighting a few games that implement gay characters without issue.
AMT: Why Was 2013 a Terrible Year for Videogames? Part Two
Michael draws his conclusions.
We Play Games – Games of the Generation
With the new generation of consoles looming, Zoey asks some of the team which games were the highlights of this generation for them.
The Ready Up Podcast – Season 3 Episode 5 – “Reserve Team”
Apple and the England Team conspired against Tony this week, but Anthony and Producer John save the day!
The Ready Up Podcast – Season 2, Episode 16 – The (not so) Average Podcast
Tony, Producer John, Simon and Special Guest Debbie Timmins are all over the map this time around, from early text adventures through to speculating about the new Xbox.