Tag: Harry Potter

  • Jurassic Dark Souls

    Simon finally gets to grips with Dark Souls, whingeing less than you might expect.

  • No Pain, No Game.

    We hurt ourselves daily. It’s something that happens. A scratch, a blister, a fall… a broken bone. We can be accident prone. But how about gaming injuries? I certainly have had my fair share of them. When I played Final Fantasy VIII I developed a blister on my right thumb from pressing the square button…

  • Potty About Potter

    Film tie ins… they’re often a bit rubbish, aren’t they. Look at your Transformers, Iron Man, Thor tie ins.  Derivative, rushed rubbish. You get a comic book like Watchmen, it gets turned into a movie and it gets a tie in.  You have one of the most detailed fictional worlds ever created turned over for…