Tag: gameplay video

  • Lightning Returns ‘Wildlands’ gameplay video

    In the latest of gameplay videos from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, game design director, Yuji Abe, walks us through the Wildlands, a vast region filled with many dangerous monsters and epic landscapes. Highlights from the video include shops, battles, controller game mechanics and a look into the deep customization menu. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy…

  • The Evil Within extended gameplay trailer

    Watch the 12 minute long extended gameplay trailer for The Evil Within, released today from Bethesda Softworks! Plus Eurogamer has brought us a 32 minute long dev session on The Evil Within for you to enjoy too! The story starts when Detective Sebastien Castellanos and his partners are called in to investigate a gruesome mass…

  • 14-Minute Watch_Dogs Gameplay Video Released

    The video follows on from the Watch_Dogs Hacker Hunt competition, and includes over 10 minutes of all-new footage of the game. It highlights several of the ways the player can use their hacking prowess to influence the city, from accessing cameras from a central control grid, to utilising the environment in order to stop a…