Tag: game development

  • QuadBox – Post Game Jam

    SphereSquared continue with their Global Game Jam development blog, focusing on the aftermath of the Jam.

  • Fission Mailed

    I am happy. Not in the hyperactive, leaping around throwing petals in my wake happy, happy as in content in my mind – yet still struggling to roll out of bed in the morning and shiver next to a little electric heater while I get ready for work. I’m exhausted and I have back pain…

  • What Are GAME Playing At?

    Holy shit – games development in the UK has had a hell of a few months lately with little sign of things calming anytime soon. First we saw the fall of Realtime Worlds nearly six months ago, while more recently Activision massively scaled back its operations, leading to the demise of Bizarre Creations in February…