Author: Kitty C
Sky Knights Review
Join Kitty and Susan as they enter the danger zone in Sky Knights by Hampus Bankler.
ALL THE REVAMPING – Stardew Valley with Kitty and Susan
Join Kitty for an extensive tour of her farm as she plans a total revamp!
Cheeky little Rascals – Loot Rascals and Stardew Valley with Kitty and Susan
Kitty attempts to set more world records in Loot Rascals… if she can stop playing Stardew Valley!
IT’S JOHN CENAAAA – A Silly Saturday Stream with Kitty, Scott and Susan
Fucco-san hopes that Cena-senpai notices him!
Loot Rascals Review
Kitty loots some rascals
Casual Friday – Ultimate Chicken Horse with Kitty and Verity
Why would you put that there?!
Pew Pew Pew – Hitman with Kitty
After sitting on her Steam wishlist for months, Kitty finally receives Hitman Season 1 and dives right in, leaving a trail of naked bodies in her wake. Scott pops by to keep Kitty company and supply the usual technical pedantry Never underestimate the power of the coin “PULL EJECTOR HANDLE”
Indie Mondays with Kitty and Stewart – Loot Rascals and Stardew Valley
Kitty smashes the Loot Rascals leaderboards, and shows us exactly what 70+ hours can do for a farm!
Hello Neighbor Alpha 3 with Kitty
Kitty plays through the latest challenging Alpha build of Hello Neighbor.
Ninja Streams – Loot Rascals and Stardew Valley with Kitty
Kitty jumps on the stream for some quick looting and farming.