Author: Anthony
Win PopCap Collectables!
Over the years, Ready Up has had the opportunity and privilege to break a number of world records. I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the team of people organising and managing every one of those world record attempts. When I had the opportunity to aid and abet our very own Laura Rich in…
Numerology – 20 hours
As I type it’s just gone midnight and I’m in the London SeaLife Aquarium – the timer on the lights in the shark tank has just switched them off and Laura has just passed 10 hours and 30 minutes on her way to a Guinness World record. By the time this post appears, she will…
Numerology – 0.5 pence
On Monday, March 12th The Game Group plc announced they were still in discussion with their suppliers and lenders about their terms of trade that would allow the business to continue to operate. At one point on that day, if you were trading on the London Stock Exchange, you could have purchased an individual share…
I have an admission to make. It’s somewhat embarrassing. The first part isn’t that bad, it actually suggests I’m an early adopter of new entertainment concepts: I’ve been a member of LoveFilm since November 2006. So long in fact, I have the original deal – £9.99 per month for a single disk at home (game…
Team Work
No game has offered me a more rewarding multiplayer team-orientated experience than Battlefield 3. Considering the number of games that I’ve played online over my seven years of Xbox Live, that’s a terrific accolade. So you can probably see why I didn’t understand why a few people on my friends list weren’t impressed with it…
Missing The Boat
Before today, I hadn’t ever felt I was on the wrong side of a gaming argument. As I look through my friends list to find people to play MW3 with, I’ve come to the sudden realisation that there’s only one person out of 21 currently online playing the game. Now this isn’t necessarily the death…
Black and White
I have a backlog of games I’m waiting to play and if you’ve read any of my previous blogs, this won’t come as a surprise. Last week I had my first full week off so far this year and it is best described as that detestable portmanteau: a staycation. I did many things that I’ve…
Hoist By My Own Petard
I’ve ruined the Gears of War 3 experience for Tony and I. Not intentionally mind you, in fact, it was actually in an attempt to make the experience far more enjoyable. You see we both agreed just before the game’s release date that we would play through the single player campaign cooperatively. It all started…
Farewell to Black Ops
At the time of writing, I’ve just finished our usual Thursday evening multiplayer community session. In recent months the game of choice has defaulted to Call of Duty: Black Ops, a game whose writing is on the wall. I was a little surprised by the level of emotion felt by a few of our regulars…
Gamerscore Has Become Irrelevant
If I asked you in the street, right now, what your gamerscore was, would you know? If I asked you whom in your friends list had a higher or lower score than you, would you know? Tony recently asked me about a point in the past when our gamerscores were extremely close and we spent…