Author: Dean B
Develop 2016: Beyond Virtual Reality
Develop 2016 was all about the VR and Dean explores some of the more inspiring uses it’s being put to.
Wonderfully Inhuman: Q&A with Introversion Software
Dean spoke to Prison Architect devs Introversion about the two prototypes they had on show at Rezzed.
Game Buffs Episode 4: The Beginner’s Guide
James and Dean try to wrap their heads around Davey Wreden’s head when they play The Beginner’s Guide.
Ready Up Game Awards 2015
In a no expenses spared (literally, there were no expenses) award ceremony we announce our awards for 2015
Bored? Game! – Portal
Aperture Science accepts no responsibility for arguments or loss of life during this board game.
Game Buffs Episode 3: The Fall
In episode three of Game Buffs Dean and James play The Fall and talk about what it means to be human (and covered in fish guts)
Game Buffs Episode 2: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture
In Episode 2 of Game Buffs, we discuss The Chinese Room’s latest enigma. Remember, just follow the light!