Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story is the spiritual sequel to one of my favorite games of this year, A Normal Lost Phone. I played the first game in February and absolutely loved it (you can read my thoughts on it here). So naturally I was very excited when I heard the developers, Accidental Queens, would be making a similar game but with new characters and a new narrative. I desperately hoped that Laura’s Story would live up to the high expectations I had for it, and I’m pleased to say it did.
In this game you find Laura’s unlocked lost phone. Her past twelve messages are from her a man named Ben asking her where she has disappeared to. I won’t say anything else about the narrative as much of the joy playing this game comes from experiencing the story yourself with no knowledge beforehand. You have free rein to look through the entire phone, her text, emails, photos, music (which are all great), calendar, everything. So bit by bit you receive more information about what has been going on in Laura’s life and what has happened to her.
As expected, the writing in this game is just fantastic and characters are all very well defined. Laura is immediately likable and has a real personality which invests you in the story
quickly. Because she is so easy to empathise with you really feel bad for her when things get difficult in her personal life. The subject matter raised in the game is indeed a very challenging one but the developers deal with it incredibly well with an acute knowledge and sensitivity.
Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story was exactly what I wanted the sequel to A Normal Lost Phone to be. It has It is a story about big difficult topics but made much more personal and intimate. Accidental Queens have won me over again with this game; I cannot get enough of these stories and am excited to what they make next. Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story can be purchased from iOS, Android and Steam.
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