Stumped – The Gaming Flashback

Hey y’all. Do you ever feeling super nostalgic for the games of the past, but no longer own said console? Really?! Me too! It all started when I listened to the SNES F-Zero soundtrack and was itching to play it. Sitting there and listening to these classic tunes, just made FLASHBACK (imagine me doing ‘jazz hands’ when you read flashback) to the days I’d spend watching my older brother working his way through the latest game, hoping that I’ll be as good as him one day. What is a totally mega bonus, my brother still owns the SNES. Sadly, he lives miles away from where I currently dwell, so I had to find a way to satisfy my craving.

Well, did you know you could watch these games being played in all its glory on YouTube?! I’m sure all you cool cats are well aware of this and probably think I’m a dork. That’s ok, I always catch onto trends at the last minute. That’s what makes me uber cool! Now I’m sure I’m not the last person to realise they can watch old school video of this either. I only thought my fellow gamers would post vids of more current games, so I was mega chuffed to even find these beauties. Many of my evenings have consisted of me snuggled up on the sofa, biscuit tin in one hand, glass of something tasty and full of alcohol in the other and watching one of the many SNES games I’ve grown up with. Below are a couple of the YouTube channels I’ve been stalking recently:

I hope these few links have inspired you to feel mega nostalgic and have your own FLASHBACK moment!



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