1. It’s only fitting to read the Assassin’s Creed novelisations of Ezio’s era while visiting Italy.
2. However, doing so will only convince you to restart Assassin’s Creed II the moment you get home.
3. The buildings look incredibly climbable, but there isn’t a hay bale in sight.
4. The most useful Italian phrase I learned from Assassin’s Creed was ‘grazie’.
5. The most useless Italian phrase I learned from Assassin’s Creed was ‘recquiscat in pace’.
6. The Rialto really is going to be that crowded.
7. Ezio doesn’t really eat in the game but I’m pretty sure that he gained all of his energy from really good spaghetti. Maybe pizza. Maybe gelato. Maybe he ate all of that stuff and then burned it straight off being chased by guards across rooftops.
8. Venice was hot in summer. Any sane assassin wouldn’t go out in the middle of the day in that heat, wearing all of that gear and carrying all of that stuff, never mind running around rooftops with a hood up.
9. Riding around on vaporettos never got old or stopped being fun, although I wonder how much distance I made Ezio swim in the game when he was in Venice. It can’t have been pleasant.
10. On the journey home, full of spaghetti and with your head full of assassins, templars and Italy, you will wonder how much flights to the Caribbean cost and have an odd craving for rum.
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