Microsoft Giving Free Unlock for Killer Instinct to Some

Certain Xbox live members have been receiving an email today informing them that they are eligible for a free full unlock of the Xbox One launch game Killer Instinct. Exclusive to Microsoft’s next-gen console, Killer Instinct is a free-to-play incarnation of Rare’s much loved fighting game. With only a couple of characters being unlocked for all, this email informs certain members that they will be able to access the full roster instantly for no extra cost.

While no information has yet been given as to how or why these users have been chosen, its a nice bonus to those XBL members who are upgrading this month. I myself have received the message saying I’m eligible but unfortunately my launch day loyalties are with the other team. As emails are likely still going out to the eligible, don’t be too disappointed if you haven’t received one just yet. For now though I’m just curious about the criteria.


One response to “Microsoft Giving Free Unlock for Killer Instinct to Some”

  1. Stevie avatar

    fancy donating the code? haha

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