Cute Chronicles – Console to Closet

Su-per happy cool clothes time!

Let’s talk about Geek Chic. No, not those t-shirts that are popping up across the high street with GEEK or NERD or whatever on them in big bold letters which makes you wonder whether it’s a proud or an ironic statement. My huge glasses are prescription, by the way. How about yours? Let’s compare lens thickness.

There are plenty of websites that offer ‘geeky’ clothing, or let’s be more specific and say video game-related/inspired clothing when you want something a little more subtle that doesn’t just have a logo emblazoned on it. Gamerprint is a wonderfully artsy supplier, of course there’s Insert Coin with some lovely designer clothes and Qwertee are fun although the limited time frame for purchasing puts pressure on your bag of rupees. For some real gaming fashion eyecandy and other items to perhaps spend your hard-earned cash on, there’s Gamer Fashion 101 which links to some pretty cool items.

L-R: Insert Coin, GamerPrint, Qwertee
L-R: Insert Coin, GamerPrint, Qwertee

But sometimes, I think it’s more fun in a way to take video games as inspiration for clothing in other ways. Sure, reference t-shirts are cool but what about an N7 coat? What about taking it further and creating an outfit inspired by your favourite game or character?

What about taking it further and creating an outfit inspired by your favourite game or character?

Console to Closet takes this idea and runs with it, showcasing outfits using outfit-builder Polyvore. It should give you some impression of what I mean – taking everyday clothing and working in some kind of inspiration from your favourite video games, whether that’s Art Deco accessories to reference Bioshock, hardworn leather for Fallout New Vegas or archangel-wing earrings and smart glasses to reference Mass Effect’s Garrus Vakarian. It’s kind of like very subtle cosplay in a way. What do you think about red converse and blue jeans with a blue shirt for Sonic? How about pretending you’re in The Last of Us by wearing practical clothing and flannel shirts? (Although thanks to Insert Coin, you can actually wear Joel’s exact shirt).

Blathers, N7 armour and Vault 101 Jumpsuit inspired outfits by Console to Closet
Blathers, N7 armour and Vault 101 Jumpsuit inspired outfits by Console to Closet

Lately I’ve been enjoying wearing leggings tucked into a pair of brown leather Dr Martens boots. Teamed with a green tunic dress and a woolly hat it feels very Legend of Zelda. Match the boots with jeans, a casual shirt and a leather jacket and it feels very Red Dead Redemption (the best part is that the buckles on the boots clink almost like spurs). I have Phoenix’s hat – match it with dark jeans and a hoodie and I can almost pretend I’m an effortlessly cool, fake piano-playing disgraced attorney.

So don’t just be obvious with your clothing choices! Or if you work in a certain environment where the dress code raises an eyebrow at your tshirts, see if you can incorporate a little geek chic in your own way for fun. Phoenix Wright-inspired suit, anyone? Or maybe something in the vein of Cole Phelps? Bonus points for a fedora!







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