Assassins Creed 4 Trailer Shows Naval Exploration

The latest trailer for Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag focuses on what many believed to be the best parts of the previous entry – the naval gameplay. As the below trailer shows, the on ship gameplay has taken a more prominent role in the title, with the Jackdaw even being referred to as the second main character.

With a heavy emphasis on exploration, including using maps to hunt for treasure and sacking other vessels on the open ocean to relieve them of their goods, there’s a distinct feeling of Sid Meier’s Pirates felt throughout, which is no bad thing. Though that doesn’t mean the combat hasn’t had an overhaul either. With the new open ocean leading to more ship to ship combat, and the ability to board almost every ship for looting, new options have been added to allow you to attack sails or shoot over tall waves. Couple all this exploration and combat with dangerous storms, and the on foot gameplay we’ve all come to expect from the Assassins Creed series, what we have here is definitely a title to watch out for.



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