John is taking advantage of this being the last episode of the current season to have a chat with the two figures behind Ready Up, Dan Bendon and Kirsten Kearney. We’re still talking about gaming of course – how could we not – but we also discuss the industry, the site itself and how the new look was derived, the future of gaming, and find out IN REAL TIME about Microsoft’s U-turn on the whole DRM / online / game trading thing!
Current gaming
- Dan: The Last of Us, Animal Crossing
- Kirsten: Tropico 4, The Last of Us and a whole bunch of older games and JRPGs!
- John: Defiance, WoW, GRID 2, Thomas Was Alone, Rush Bros
- The new Daily News zone and news team on the site lead by Duncan
- The new writers who have joined us – James, Juliette, Richard, Philip, Lucy, Shaun
- Microsoft’s MASSIVE U-turn on the whole online, used games thing. Now we know it’s true!
The Big Question:
XBox ONE or PS4?
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Ready Up Podcast theme music courtesy of Tommy Tallarico.
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