PS Vita will Remote Play ALL PlayStation 4 games

Sony have confirmed, technically for the second time, that all PlayStation 4 games will be playable on the PlayStation Vita via Remote Play – with the exception of titles that utilise specific hardware on the PS4, such as the PS4 Eye Camera.

Eurogamer claimed a trusted PlayStation 4 developer source told them that all PlayStation 4 titles would be required to allow Remote Play using the PS Vita, unless specific hardware was required to play that the Vita could not utilise.

This claim was quick verified by Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida on Twitter, when he responded to a fan questioning if this report was accurate with: “Yes, it’s true unless the game requires specific hardware like the camera. It will be great to play PS4 games on PS Vita.

The news is terrific for both PlayStation 4 owners and PS Vita owners, who may well become one in the same later this year now, but this news is not totally new. Sony’s Press Conference earlier in the year already boasted that this feature would be integrated into the PlayStation 4’s infrastructure, as well as take advantage of the Gaikai service.

It remains amazing to have it confirmed that the service will for all PlayStation 4 titles, minus a few understandable exceptions, and it’s brilliant news for the VITA owners of the world.







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