When you’re part of team Ready Up, you only really have to do one thing: play games. Wait, two things. Play games and write the occasional blog about them. Play games, write about them and do the odd review. Three things! Play games, write about them, do reviews and attend the occasional event. Four! Wait, I’ll come in again.
Unfortunately for me in recent weeks, I’ve been struggling to live up to my end of the bargain when it comes to playing games. It’s the little s at the end of the previous sentence which is causing all the problems ‒ the s in games. I’ve been on my console as much as usual, but only playing the one game ‒ Battlefield 3. The combination of my deep and unexpected love for this game, combined with a lack of other titles that interest me, has left me a one game man. I’ve left 9,000+ corpses, thousands of vehicles and 300 hours of my spare time behind me in tattered pieces since it came out.
I haven’t been entirely faithful to my beloved Battlefield, though ‒ I recently took the PS3 away on a holiday to the Lake District (expecting rain, as you do in a UK drought) and played a fair bit of Guitar Hero with friends. I also purchased Fez after watching ten seconds of gameplay footage on YouTube, but despite enjoying it at first, it has fallen by the wayside as I found myself wandering back and forth through levels I had been through far too many times before. I don’t think it helped that the rotation animation seems to make my head ache, either.
I’m going to get myself out of this monogamous gaming rut soon, and get myself back out on to the gaming scene to see if I can pick up some hot new titles, though. There’s a nice young man named Max Payne who has caught my eye recently, so I’ll definitely be giving him a shot in a couple of weeks. I might also consider a dalliance with some old flames too – I heard Ratchet & Clank will be back on the scene too, and the gossip is they’ve both had a lot of cosmetic work done, so I might well be able to fit them into my slot. Resistance: Burning Skies for Vita isn’t too far out either, and I’m definitely looking forward to some red hot two stick action with my handheld machine.
Until then, though, I’ll be curling up in front of a warming oil refinery fire, toasting noobs, with my one, my only, my Battlefield.
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