Su-per cutesy happy fun game and craft time!
There was a moment there where I was going to break up with my 3DS. He was vaguely acknowledging that he was perhaps a little too expensive for what he was delivering. He was slightly admitting that maybe he was the result of a desire for novelty. We weren’t really speaking to each other. He was huddled down in a drawer somewhere with only a monster for company. I think at one point I must have dropped him (by accident!) because there was also a heart-stopping moment where none of his buttons were doing anything correctly. I threatened to trade him in but he started working again. Then he told me there was an update. He promised me shiny new things.
He delivered. We’re now on speaking terms again and he sits happily with me in my bag wherever I go, collecting coins on my journeys and meeting new people! I like meeting new people. Only if they have new puzzle pieces, mind. I met this one guy who had every single puzzle piece. Seeing as some puzzles you can only get through special means rather than just buying them with play coins earned by walking around, this is an impressive feat. I’ll probably never see this guy again. Sob.
I loved the new stuff with the 3DS that came out a while ago now. Gosh, how time passes. Not so much the Euro Sports channel with its ‘WATTS’ videos which are basically sports!fail vids (too much falling over and ouchies for my liking). The Nintendo Video channel is cool, the current trickle of Kid Icarus animations and Shaun the Sheep shorts making up for that awful One Direction video that’s on there. StreetPass Quest II and Puzzle Swap are also good fun, although see above and previous posts for the frustrations of Puzzle Swap. Anyone have all the puzzle pieces? Want to walk past me?
The best thing by far, though, is Nintendo Letter Box. You can scribble little letters and send them to your friends! Sounds silly, and perhaps it is, but its casual and cute format is incredibly appealing, as long as you’re not using it to draw a penis (unless you like drawing them, of course).
I’ve exchanged a few letters with Fran. Her drawing prowess reigns supreme. First off was a lovely Chain Chomp, then a Link!
More recently, myself and Scott have been using Nintendo Letter Box to send each other silly little Mass Effect things, and demonstrate our skills in drawing various aliens (NEVER FORGET). If you’re playing Mass Effect 3, you should really check out the Blasto 6 movie promo poster on the Citadel! This one approves of it very much.
It’s nice to be friends with my 3DS again. Thanks to these little quirky additions and some great games like Super Mario 3D Land, and, I’m told, Kid Icarus, there’s a reason to play this little thing again! Something suitably pick-up-and-play after the long, dedicated slog of Mass Effect 3.
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