Ava No More

Today I learned some really disappointing news that made me shake my head and even tut at my screen. Why am I tutting at my screen? I’m sure my Xbox 360 massive is more aware of this distressing news but as per usual I’m behind with these things. I warn you now that if you are prone to fainting after a shock you may want to leave this blog alone. For the rest, make sure you’re sitting down. OK; Epic Games announced, at the end of last year, that from January 1st 2012, you will no longer be able to purchase any weapons for your Xbox avatar.

My initial reaction was “Err…what?!”. Although an official statement is yet to be given by Microsoft, Epic community manager Will Kinsler (a.k.a. raczilla) confirmed that you would not be affected by this change in policy if you purchased any avatar weapons before the 1st. You could probably imagine the messages that followed from the community. To those who can’t, let’s just say they didn’t exactly praise the news. Kinsley explains that this change has come about due to a new policy which will come into affect regarding all gun-like avatar items.

I have to level with you all. I hadn’t brought any guns for my SezzyBoo yet, simply because her sassy outfits don’t require them. Realistically the news doesn’t affect me as a consumer or my ability to game so I should be A-OK, right? But I’m not. Once we get the official statement from Microsoft it will hopefully detail the whys but this is where my issue is: why didn’t Microsoft said anything? I hope that some clarification will come quick and fast.



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