
When I was a child, one of my favourite toys in all the world (next to my Game Boy) was Lego. It’s fascinating and exciting to play with, and is limited only by your imagination or the amount of bricks you own. I could happily spend hours constructing towns, holiday caravans and railway systems, and it was always the creative side of building that captivated me, rather than actually playing with what I had built afterwards.

My bag of Lego blocks currently sits in the top of my wardrobe, awaiting a day where my nieces and nephew are old enough to play with it without sticking it up their nose or thinking it’s edible. Until recently my love of the toy had faded but not been forgotten as I had moved onto more sterner stuff in adulthood (hello Xbox!). But, what should come knocking on my console’s door? A whole series of Lego video games!

Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman, Pirates of the Caribbean; even my beloved Harry Potter has been Lego-sised! But now my friends, comes word of possibly the most EXCITING Lego franchise I could ever dream of!


I know, I nearly passed out from excitement too when I heard! I don’t need to remind you that I am a Tolkien fanatic, if you read my work often enough you will be sighing at yet another mention of all things Hobbitty, but on this you have to forgive me! Imagine a Lego Smaug, flying over a Lego Lonely Mountain, with Lego Dwarves, Hobbits and a Lego Precious and Gollum too!

With 14 months to go before I can see the first instalment of the next Peter Jackson Middle Earth epic, now I’m even dizzier with anticipation of getting my hands on a Lego version of The Hobbit movies too! With their quirky and humorous interpretations of the most loved adventure films, this is sure to be another classic to add to the growing collection of Lego games.

The only thing to help curb my excitement is that I will soon have my hands on Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7, and Lord of the Rings: War in the North to keep my Lego loving, hobbit obsessive busy until I can get my hands on it.

Is there anything that these guys can’t turn into comical bricks and action adventure? I sincerely hope not!

"Yo Gandalf, maybe it's my Lego Pipe Weed but where's your hat, man?"






3 responses to “Lego-las?”

  1. Mark P avatar


  2. Lauren avatar

    Fantastic 😀 Lego Smaug the dragon!!!

  3. Ben avatar

    A Lego Hobbit? I CAN’T WAIT!

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