One Day Like This A Year

Since the Ready Up staff are scattered all over the UK we don’t often get much face time but once a year we make the pilgrimage, all converging on one location, and our commune begins. We of course discuss Ready Up, our work, our hopes and issues and our plans for the future of the site. It’s a vital part of Ready Up’s year and the site surges forward in its aims after the frisson of all our ideas tumble out at our annual meeting. That of course is the smallest part of the event. It’s mostly gaming, eating, drinking and singing. We have to fit in a year’s worth of extra curricular colleague activities into a very short space of time, you see? So it tends to get ‘large’.

So here’s a little glimpse into the yearly Ready Up pilgrimage. Same time next year, yeah?







4 responses to “One Day Like This A Year”

  1. Mike avatar

    Best weekend of the year… so far.


  2. arc14716 avatar

    I envy you guys right about now.

  3. Lauren avatar

    Loved every minute of it! I miss you guys!

  4. Barry avatar

    I feel honoured having my drunken pint glass eating antics captured and replayed after a montage of beautiful RU women and handsome RU men!

    Although I don’t write for RU, I still feel like I am one of you guys 🙂

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