Ode To My DS Lite

This week was very special for me: I had a whole week’s holiday. Now getting any holiday is just as rare as rocking horse poo, so I decided to make the most of it. Unfortunately the weather was not aware of my holiday plans, but that didn’t stop me from going out and about.  With me not being glued to my room and my consoles, I did wonder how I would get my five a day fix of gaming goodness and still remain a social butterfly. Then the answer was staring at me from its red Hello Kitty case. I should play my lovely DS Lite.

My sweet DS with my mega cute case..that's how I roll!

I thought I would take the opportunity to get back in touch with my DS and play some games on the go. This week I got back onto games like Zoo Keeper, Bust-a-Move, Rhythm Paradise and my much loved yet much neglected Animal Crossing. It has been a while since I really played my DS after my 30 day spell of More Brain Training I did a while back, so it was a welcome change from my normal console gaming regime.

One night while I was button bashing my way to victory, I started having flashbacks of all the wonderful time me and the ever changing face of my DS has had. From getting my first pink DS and then upgrading to my shiny DS Lite to trading in my DS to buying it back just to play Sim City Creator and my fave GBA version of Harvest Moon (thank goodness for backwards compatibility!). 

I do hope this comes in purple, then all of my dreams would of come true.

Then I started to think about the future of the DS. With Nintendo confirming that they are going to release a 3D version of the DS, it looks as though my DS is going to get itself a handheld friend. So although at times I can neglect my dear DS while I dilly dally with my other games, it knows that I will always come running back when I need a handheld fix. I always have nothing but love for DS!







2 responses to “Ode To My DS Lite”

  1. Leon avatar

    I’m sort of excited about the 3DS, but not at the same time. I’m currently still using an original DS, and have been wanting to upgrade for a while. However, seeing as I own about three times as many GBA titles that I play regularly, I’m stuck in a bit of a jam – since my DS is beginning to show it’s age, it looks like the best solution is to buy a DS Lite – but unlike the previous DS consoles, the 3DS will be able to play exclusive titles built solely for it – meaning there will no longer be a version of the DS that can play all GBA and DS titles. So it looks as though I may have to buy both a DS Lite and 3DS in the long run – which is a shame as it is both costly and forces me to either choose one or the other – or carry two handhelds at once. I only wish that the newer DS titles had a way of either attaching a GBA adaptor, or having a tool to load GBA titles onto a hard-drive/special DS cartridge.

    I’m excited, but the more the DS evolves the more I feel like the days of enjoying my favourite GBA titles are drawing to an end 🙁

  2. Sarah-Lou avatar

    It is a pain in the pooper to not have the more recent DS’s come with the GBA bit but my plan was always to keep my lite and then either get DsI XL (that’s if they will bring out other colours) or just sit tight and wait for the 3DS. Yeah its annoying because it’s more money to spend but I know as soon as I get rid of my GBA capabilities I would be uber gutted!

    As long as you have a handheld which can play your GBA titles, be it a DS Lite or tracking down an SP (remember those…I had one and it was pink!) then you GBA days will never die.

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