Day 1
Well, I’ve arrived. I’m not entirely sure I’m in the right village, they seemed to be expecting me but there was no talk about the advertised position of dish washer. They keep talking about hunting. They have given me a couple of weapons and more cash than I would have earned in six months back home, I’ve not even done anything yet. I’m gonna stick around and see how this pans out.

Day 2
Did fuck all yesterday apart from get given free stuff. Sweet. I’ve been given the use of a small house, an apartment really. Still, it’s bigger than the only other house in the village that I assume everyone else lives in. I had to run a few errands today, pick some different mushrooms. Was easy enough, they didn’t take much hunting tbh. In an effort to look the part I took along the Great Sword they gave me. HOLY SHIT that thing is massive. I didn’t try swinging it for fear of losing an arm. They gave me more money for the mushrooms, I bought some armor. Oh yeah, I have a cat too!

Day 3
Was given another quest today, gotta get some meat for the chief’s son. Got kitted up in my sexy new armor and headed out to find this apparently peaceful monster that needed killing. After I left the village I gave my great sword a test swing, fuck that, headed back and grabbed the much more reasonably sized sword and shield. Found the poor thing I was to kill and took it out with ease, felt kinda bad about it, anyway meat got, mission accomplished. Got more money, easy street.

Day 4
Forgot to mention, the Chief’s son gave me a BBQ kit for getting him that meat. He seems a nice guy but I can’t help think he’d make a better hunter than me, he seems to know all about it. They’ve built me a base camp out in the woods for when I’m out questing, it’s only like 600 yards from my house, these people are kinda nuts but I’m warming to their ways. In the end I just went to bed early, no free stuff today but noticed that quest hand-y out girl is pretty hot and I think she fancies me. LOL.

Day 5
Went to chat up quest girl and ended up with a mission to go kill some monsters that were causing trouble in the woods. Headed out in my gear to get it done. These bastards were a whole other level from those stupid plant munchers I killed the other day. These were fast and vicious and really wanted to eat me. I’m not sure about this hunting lark, I nearly died killing just a few of them. Got paid some serious wedge for it though. Had a BBQ to try and relax a bit. I’ll take it easy tomorrow and do some gardening. There is a creepy boy in my room now, he doesn’t look like he’s going to leave. Oh well, I need some kip, he’ll probably be gone in the morning.

Day 6
Weird kid still here… Awkward.
…to be continued.
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