Everyone seems to blame computer games for all the ills in society. People are fat because of video games. People are violent because of video games. They don’t read, socialise or get enough vitamin D because of video games. If the bankers weren’t such obvious douchebags, the last economic crisis would probably have been blamed on video games. In fact, give it a couple of months and someone will probably blame the credit crunch on ‘Super Mario Brothers’. They never consider the other side of the argument, do they? They never think what the world would be like without video games.
It would be like the late sixties and early seventies, otherwise known as the most boring decades in human history. People took a lot of drugs and had sex because there wasn’t anything else to do. So without video games we would have probably starved as a species with the excess population, or we would all have been killed off by drugs and sexually related disease – so yay video games!
There is the argument that video games make people more violent, but since we’ve been able to work out our fears and frustrations of a Russian invasion in ‘Modern Warfare 2’ how many Russian invasions of America have there been? None – all thanks to video games! And what about all the people who would be jumping on the top of turtles if there was no Mario to get that urge out of their system – think of all the shelled amphibians that video games save! Even Sonic helped people to think about the poor little hedgehogs – there would be a lot more road kill without the blue blur.

If video games didn’t exist, what would kids do? At the moment the media would have you believe the majority of kids are obese and trapped in their little houses, held captive by the hypnotic power of flickering game images. If there were no video games, they would be fit, playing outside – and able to roam the country forming their own private militias – killing anyone over the age of thirty! If we didn’t have video games, we’d all be living in a ‘Logan’s Run’ style universe. Video games were probably invented by a time traveller to stop the mobilisation of teenagers that would later destroy the world!

Without video games I wouldn’t be writing this blog and inflicting humour and gaming oddities upon the world. I wouldn’t be wearing my space invaders top, because it wouldn’t exist – so I would be topless, and suffering from tit freeze. Instead of writing blogs and making worlds in video games, I would probably be taking over the world and making everyone my slaves with my highly evolved steampunk technology! With my band of highly trained monkey ninjas I would enslave the entire planet, forcing them to fight each other for my amusement because I didn’t have ‘Virtua Fighter 5’ and moving around massive stone blocks in a pyramid scale version of ‘Tetris!’ That’s until I invent the pocket version using ants and stuck together sugar cubes which they are trained to eat when they form a solid line!
See! Isn’t a world with those user interactive audio visual entertainment we call video games much safer? Well, it is for you… parallel dimension slaves!
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