Achievoholics Anonymous

Innocent times before addiction ravaged me
Innocent times in Albion before addiction ravaged me

Unlike many of you veterans I’ve only had my Xbox 360 since Christmas last year. Until then the whole concept of “achievements” and “gamerscore” hadn’t factored into my life. I’d pick up a game I fancied, play it until it was completed (in my world “completed” means until I get stuck or bored) and then shelve it. The first game I heard the wonderful ker-plink on was Fable 2. They gave me numbers for playing the game! I found it quite touching, like a little pat on the back. I had a very laid back attitude regarding my score, until it reached around 3000. For no logical reason I began to crave these ker-plinks and wanted my number higher. I have no idea why. I don’t care if my score is a little inadequate compared to most, I’m a 360 n00b and I have no shame in that.

I knew of gamers buying certain titles purely because they throw a thousand points at you and then a little while later I first encountered the term “achievement whore”. Sadly, not long after the horror of hearing that people resort to this kind of behaviour, I’m worried I might now be a 360 harlot. A gamer of the night. A score tramp.

It began with Burnout Paradise. Lorna and some fellow Ready Uppers needed a full game to harvest hard-to-get achievements. Naively I joined in but purely because I love the game. The next thing I know I’m barrel jumping my little heart out and clawing at any potential points going. We threw races, we spammed friends to get them to join and it felt so wrong but I couldn’t help myself. From that very day it has snowballed. I asked Tony for help with getting achievements in Burnout Revenge, I manned a second controller to “co-op” on Lips, I played Smash TV over and over for points all to no avail until an invincibility cheat was found and I happily went along with that because Ready Uppers are bad, bad people who convince me this is okay.

Monster Me - Thanks Pix3lboy

I was becoming an achievement whore monster. A FrankenKat, but I think I’ve reached a climax and my gaming sanity is returning thanks to Left 4 Dead. I’d always fancied completing one campaign on Expert and have dipped in and out of games but Expert is a gruelling experience and I’m a lazy gamer. Last week I was lured into a game, plied with sweet promises of achievements and I finally got that ker-plink for completing one campaign on Expert. How? By utilising every sneaky trick in the book. We played through most of Dead Air on Easy until switching to Expert for the finale where we stood, cowards that we are, on the roof of the plane, meleeing away Smokers for five minutes before dropping into the plane and making our escape. I was mildly sickened when the achievement popped. What had I actually achieved? Being a filthy, dirty cheat.

So now I’m on the road to recovery. I’m bound to fall off the 360 wagon along the way but I take one satisfying thought from my ordeal. I always had fun, I wasn’t miserable, it didn’t feel like a chore and so long as gaming stays fun to me then that is the most important thing. That’s my line and I’m sticking to it.

Now to research the glitches for the other three campaigns…







10 responses to “Achievoholics Anonymous”

  1. Lorna avatar

    Great blog, Kat 🙂 I can agree wholeheartedly and say that I never thought I would be throwing so much effort into maxing something until Mirror’s Edge and the hard work it entailed this year and then the massive Burnout Sessions. I still feel a little guilty for all those online games I joined with strangers late at night for the sole reason of smashing into them and then vanishing, one Rival further towrds the fifty needed for an achievement…

  2. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    ♫Achievements! Gamerscore! Achievements! Gamerscore.♫ Such a good song .
    Until the 360 I was happy to play games, beat them and move to the next. I had never thought once beaten to play the game again on a harder difficulty. Now achievements are there to be obtained and all adds to the gamerscore.

    I like to get as many points from a game as possible but also to have fun doing it. Something which is hard to say when playing any Call Of Duty on Veteran but the joy you get when you finally beat a level is awesome.

    So I am most definitely an achievement whore, and happy to be so. 😀

  3. John.B avatar

    😀 There was nothing dirty about our Dead Air achievement. It had to be done.

    For me the line into whoring is when you play games you would not normall play because they give up achievements. Case in point the armies of people with no children who play awful kiddy games because they give up 1000g easily. But going back over your games and harvesting, that’s fine 🙂

  4. Ramsden avatar


    Achievement Apathy – 10g

    Now that you’re stopping caring about gamerscore, here, have this achievement! Yay you.

  5. MarkuzR avatar

    The ONLY actual 360 game that I have completed, and completed beyond “textbook completion” is Two Worlds, but it was about my own personal goal of doing everything there was to do and uncovering every area of the map… because I enjoyed the game enough to do so. The rest of my games remain “un-ker-plinked” and I’m happy with that. I like being casual, it gives me a sense of freedom rather than necessity when playing a game.

    Oh yeah and, by the way, Kat said “I’ve reached a climax” heh heh

  6. Duncan avatar

    I am ashamed Kat!… I would have wanted that L4D ker-plink. 🙁
    (I’m going to hear that exact wording everytime now)

    Though FrankenKat is ‘teh s3x’. 🙂

  7. Danny avatar

    I am (happy / afraid?) to admit that I’m an achievement whore. Once I dicovered LOVEFiLM et al. I did use quite a few rentals on games that would net me an easy 1000G. I wouldn’t say I’m proud that I’ve received some of my points from God-awful games – I much prefer getting them from games no-one else has or games that are known for their difficulty. Hopefully I’ve got a good mix of them.

    Having said that though, I did recently spend a weekend playing Monopoly and Family Game Night (not to mention an evening on NBA 2K6) to boost my gamerscore. After all, I have an agenda to overtake everyone except Jake this year!

  8. Cabe avatar

    Unless you have played Avatar, you really arent a score whore.

  9. mrcuddleswick avatar

    I’m 100% with John – wanting to get all the achievements for a game is completist – totally above board and groovy. Buying games with easy GS that you wouldn’t normally have bought – that’s achievement whoring. Deep, dirty, dark and sexy……it is the seedy underbelly of Xbox gaming.

    Naturally, I distance myself from such undertakings, and mark myself as a completist.

    The last thing I am is deep, dirty, dark and sexy.

    And using all the tricks at our disposal to beat L4D campaigns on Expert is merely leveling the playing field – remember that the very AI Director you’re trying to beat is also controlling item and enemy spawns, attacking you when he knows you’re most vulnerable. The git. He deserves it.

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