Walk forward, walk forward, stop…

There was a dark and distant time when games used to come on cassette. A time when we would wait ten or fifteen minutes for a game to load. A time when we would curse like a docker if, for some reason (like with my copy of Jack the Nipper) the game failed to load properly and we had to go through it all again. Despite all this, though, these were good times for me.

As I’ve mentioned before, I loved text adventures. I grew up collecting swords, holding my breath in vacuums (after hyper-ventilating first, obviously, to increase your lung capacity and allow you to make more moves before you died a hideous death) and vanquishing wizards with spells. At the time when I was growing up, Children’s ITV used to have a fantastic show. Everyone watched it. You just had to. You know what I’m talking about.


Knightmare was, for me, all my text adventures made real. But instead of me making the wrong decisions and leading to an inevitable death, I got to watch gangs of schoolchildren from across the land guiding their helmet wearing friend on the quest for some relic or other. As I remember it, hardly anyone ever won – in fact, a bit of an internet trawl reveals that over the eight series only eight teams ever won.

Knightmare was inspired by games that the show’s creator had played on his Spectrum and, even better, spawned its own game which was, in the tradition of the show, an absolute bitch to finish. I remember playing and playing, always to be beaten by a black beady-eyed hairy creature in the dungeons… even after I’d gone to all the trouble of looking up the answers to the trivia questions (some of which were hard for a youngster I can tell you).  The game was good, but it didn’t capture the magic of the TV show – it was never sure if it was an action title or an adventure offering – two genres which, in the days of the Spectrum, did not mix all that well.


In Knightmare, lucky children got to wear the Helmet of Justice (which effectively blinded the contestant) and act out their video game fantasties. I never got to be one of those lucky children. I don’t think, to be fair, I ever assembled a team of highly trained operatives and put in a request to Castle Knightmare to be allowed to adventure but I kind of wish I had.  Soon, though, I might be able to experience an adventure as they’re meant to be experienced. Once Project Natal hits the shelves I want to be adventuring my behind off in a controller free environment. Obviously it won’t be quite the same, unless I sit Carole on the couch shouting ill-advised directions to me, but I figure someone will make an adventure game that will recapture the feel of Knightmare (but with infinitely better graphics and no helmet).

And if they don’t, then they bloody well should.







9 responses to “Walk forward, walk forward, stop…”

  1. Noozles avatar

    I loved that show……

  2. Kat avatar

    I’m only gonna play if I get a helmet >.<

  3. Lorna avatar

    Absolutely adored Knightmare! Great post, Jake! I fell out of love for it when the eye-shield and Pickle were introduced. The eye shield was an excuse to spend most of the episode wandering through a monochrome forest doing nothing 🙁

    The game was fiendish…indeed, many folk couldn’t even work out how to get out of the first room. I think I made it a few rooms or so down and was killed by some dirty great bloke. Reapeatedly. So I gave up 🙂

    Any renewal of Knightmare as a TV show wouldn’t be the same without Treguard and any game would most likely be for the Wii with a motion sensitive helemet add on… :/

  4. Rhyle avatar

    Knightmare was an on/off thing for me – very repetitive! How many times did these kids come across a table with an apple on it? WAS IT POISONED? Some real sharp and interesting kids on that show too…but one thing I did love was the way the adventurers life was represented by the helmet-laden head and how it waned as pieces fell away…that was cool.

    Funny stuff, good post.

  5. Lorna avatar

    …and anyway…I forgot to say, Jake: “you bastard”. Had a faint idea to bang on about Knightmare in a future blog for a while.

    Fragged 🙁 😉

  6. Jake avatar

    The life gauge in Knightmare was ripped off from Atic Atac’s disintigrating chicken life gauge. True story.

    Lorna: when I started writing it was going to be about point-and-click games. Then I figured Knightmare was like a big point-and-click. Then I wrote that. Sorry!

  7. Lorna avatar

    lol 😀 Apparently I did the same to John B with my manual one!

  8. MrCuddleswick avatar


    Knightmare! They should bring it back.

    You’ve reminded me of the most ridiculously difficult game ever made:

    Shadowgate, for the NES. Ye Gads Man.

  9. Jake avatar

    Shadowgate was awesomne. One wrong click and you’d die with no explanation whatsoever… it was excellent. And an excellent example of lazy planning – “Hmmm we had put an exit here but we don’t seem to have a room design.. let’s, yes, let’s make the floor crumble as they enter the room and they will fall to their death, Mwah ha ha”

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