Lets face it ‘Germ Buster’ is a s*** name. If you saw it in a shop you wouldn’t buy it, if your friends were playing it you would laugh. So this leaves us lovers of Germ Buster with only one option: make up a better name.
Welcome to the world of ‘not cool’.
Upon finally bothering to pick up my copy of More Brain Training I discovered that I had one training session left to unlock. So I played a while and without much a to-do was offered the option of brain relaxation with a little Germ Buster. I wondered what this could be and tapped to play. Suddenly I found myself locked into a Tetris like daze trying desperately to get to harder and harder levels. I have been playing it for days, reinforcing the very reason why I avoid buying such games: they eat my life.
Although I found myself opening up the game at every opportunity I was ashamed when asked by others what I was playing. This wasn’t down to the addictive nature of the game, I just couldn’t muster the energy to joyously tell them that I was engrossed in Germ Buster. So I invented my own name and came up with the catchy and likable Pilltris. Or did I?
Pilltris vs Germ buster: are superior graphics enough?
A quick google later and I discover that Pilltris is not my own invention. It is in fact the real name for the game. I was pleased that great minds think alike and the inventor of original Pilltris and I are clear deeply kindred spirits, but I was also saddened that this game already existed with a totally acceptable name and here I was playing the s*** version.
Pilltris was first designed for the NES, so it is a Nintendo based game. Surely Brain Training could have continued to use the good stuff? Maybe they just never asked, maybe they didn’t find themselves worthy, maybe I will never know and will just have to continue lying to people about what I am playing and maybe even try and make up a new and better name that doesn’t already exist! Maybe…
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