I Was A Teenage Vampire

I think most gamers have their idea of a perfect game that hasn’t been created yet. It is, in equal measures, both fun and frustrating discussing it. You know how amazing it would be to play because, being slight biased, it’s your idea, yet you also know it is unlikely to ever exist.

My ultimate game is not-so-loosely based on my near-perfect film. As the opening sequence begins to an eerie soundtrack, a bird’s eye view flies along a rugged, stormy coastline and approaches a gaudily lit funfair to settle on a weather beaten, paint chipped sign – “Welcome to Santa Carla Boardwalk”. Cue the opening strains of “Cry Little Sister”.

The Lost Boys
Yep, for those in the know my fantasy game is The Lost Boys. The movie was fantastic. I have seen it countless times. I’ve visited the Santa Cruz fairground it was filmed in twice and spent my teens puzzling over exactly why Star wouldn’t want to join David. It has a fab 80s soundtrack, Kiefer Sutherland, bikes, vampires, Kiefer Sutherland, the two Coreys, mullets and Kiefer Sutherland. That’s pretty hard to beat in my book. Needless to say – I’m a bit of a fan.

I’m a little fuzzy on the details but I’m thinking it has to be fairly free roaming. The option to explore Santa Carla and surrounding areas, alongside missions to be completed. The dialogue would be mozzarella ridden with quotes from the film and the A.I would be endearingly stupid, but not infuriatingly so.

Sam and Frog Brothers

The game is split in two, and you choose your side. Play as a vampire gang recruit and, alongside the main story missions, you get to speed around on your bike, enter races with mortals or the undead, scare locals or find yourself the odd neck to chow down on. Alternatively you could team up with Sam and the Frog Brothers to help save Michael, train yourself in vampire combat, steal Grandpa’s car or just hang out at the boardwalk and watch fantastically cheesy half naked sax musicians.

Multiplayer would include a battle between the two sides. The humans armed with holy water and stakes up against the flying, fang wielding vamps. Deaths will naturally be inventive and gory.

“I think I should warn you all, when a vampire bites it, it’s never a pretty sight. No two bloodsuckers go the same way. Some yell and scream, some go quietly, some explode, some implode, but all will try to take you with them.”

So, fangs for reading about my dream game. One thing I’m bloody positive about… this game certainly wouldn’t suck. In fact I’d be dying to get hold of it, and would positively bite your arm off to play it…

Okay, okay, sorry, I’ll get my coat.







13 responses to “I Was A Teenage Vampire”

  1. Nick Wade (KNIGHTFALL666) avatar
    Nick Wade (KNIGHTFALL666)

    just in case u didnt know theres a lost boys 2 it went straight to dvd but it does have one of the coreys in it lol

  2. Kat avatar

    Yeah I haven’t quite braved watching it yet ^_^

  3. Darach avatar

    “My own brother a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire! Oh, you wait ’til Mom finds out, buddy.”

    Classic stuff. 😀

    *goes into full-on ‘I <3 the 80’s mode’*
    “Cry-yyy Little Sister!”
    G. Tom Mac for random 80’s song of the day! Always loved that soundtrack.. 😀

  4. Chummp Change avatar
    Chummp Change

    I’d buy your game. Lost Boys is one of my favourite films of all time.

    “Sam: Actually, I thought it was a bakery.”

    That line still brings a smile to my face 🙂

  5. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Sounds like it would be a good game, in fact I’d ‘stake’ money on it. And in multiplayer, I’m sure our paths would ‘cross’.

    See what you made me do. :p I’m sure we all have an idea ot two for a game. Maybe you should get XNA and try and create a community game of your idea, until some big publisher reads this and wants to make your game.

    If we can get a new Ghostbusters game 25 years after the movie, why not The Lost Boys too.

  6. Leon avatar

    I havent actually seen this film, although it sounds like my kind of movie.

    I think my game would probably be loosely based on the Underworld trilogy – play as a vampire or Lycan in the struggle. It would almost definitely be a type of sandbox third person action game – think a world the size of GTA4 or one of the Spiderman games, but with combat more in the vein of Devil May Cry or God of War. It would be very important that the combat would be up to scratch.

    If we’re going all out in the “if only it were possible” area, it would be a vastly long game beginning in the medieval era – and as you continue to do missions etc, time would slowly pass and the world would change, from castles an villages eventually ending up in a sprawling city.

    Or something like that.

  7. Alex avatar

    I LOVE the Lost Boys!! 😀
    It does help I have the worlds biggest crush on Keifer Sutherland though…

  8. Michael avatar

    I can’t remember the last time I watched that… I’d forgotten about the awesomeness of “Death by stereo!” too! 😀

  9. MrCuddleswick avatar


    Ah, Kiefer. The velvet-voiced assassin. 24 would be even better if he still had his mullet. One of my favourite human beings, driving offence convictions notwithstanding.

    I haven’t seen the film for a looooong time. I think it scared me when I saw it as a kid. But then sometimes I get the impression that you might be into a lot of things that scared me as a kid……

    Your game sounds very appealing to me – I’m thinking something along the lines of The Warriors game which was released for PS2. 3-D Roaming beat ’em up. Ka-pow! Etc.

  10. markBOSS avatar

    Great write Libi!

    Um if I could pick a game for the purpose of role play I think I would pick maybe an Indiana Jones film, or possibly Blade Runner. Or I guess just any general Harrison Ford sim really.

  11. Razgate avatar

    I’d buy a Near Dark game if they made one 😀
    and for those of you that don’t know,Near Dark was another Vampire movie that was released at the same time as Lost Boys with an awesome cast.
    look it up on IMDB.com

  12. Michael avatar

    And if you DO have to look it up, I’m very disappointed in you! 😛

  13. Martin avatar

    For the record, both of the Coreys are in Lost Boys 2 The tribe, you have to watch the end credits to see though.
    It’s sad to admit that I was able to see this at the cinema when it originally came out, I remember all the posters and stuff, but I waited till it was out on video, damn.
    A genre defining film of it’s time and I have no doubt it would be a genre defining game. But6 what if it was garbage, our memories would be forever tainted.

    “one thing I never could stand about Santa Carla, all the damn vampires”

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