Mini Ninjas

After nothing but shockingly sadistic kill-fests from Denmark based IO interactive, including the calculated executions of Hitman and the profanity-spewing frenzy of Kane and Lynch, Mini Ninjas’ adorable characters, bright landscapes and tiny animals are just about the strongest contrast since Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat.

The pintsized samurais also offered a stark contrast from Eidos’ previous showings in the day, rounding off Just Cause 2’s thoughtless chaos and Batman’s predatorial macabre with much needed reservation and colour, respectively.

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The event was held at London’s very exclusive Hospital Club, lavishly decorated and home to a seemingly infinite supply of tiny bottles of coke and giant cut chips… in retrospect, pawing over an issue of 360gamer with a Bacon Double Cheeseburger in my hand probably wasn’t the best way to balance my diet in the train station. Fruit tomorrow, me thinks.

The game was demonstrated in style by way of the club’s massive eight-or-so-foot rear projection cinema screen, with Ninjas’ exceptional style exuding form the display. Think Wind Waker, but with the iconic cel-shading filter swapped for an artistic painterly style. The beautiful colours and sharp contrasts pop from the screen, be it a lush forest under fire-arrow assault, or dark, torch-lit fortresses pelted by rain.

The only better screen to see a videogame on is Times Square’s giant telly or projected onto Holly Valance’s bum.

So let’s try and sum up the story; an evil Samurai dude has harnessed some seriously bad-juju to turn the helpless and fuzzy critters of the world into relentless soldiers for his army. It’s up to you, the diminutive and cute Hiro, to turn these baddies back to animals as you are armed to the teeth with shirukens and upgradable ninjistsu magic.

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But much to my shock, once an evil Samurai, with menacing yellow eyes glowing from his oriental helmet, was reduced to his former chicken self Hiro could jump into his poultry body and walk around, fly for short bursts and lay eggs. While the tactical opportunities for turning into a tiny feathered chicken are slim, Hiro later transformed into a boar and a grizzly bear, each doling out massive damage with their attacks.

Mini Ninjas is definitely one to keep an eye out for, already looking to nail that kid-friendly position, but with enough depth for older gamers. It can be played with deadly swords or crafty stealth, with the pint-sized Hiro, the hypnotising flute-player Suzume or a number of other ninjas; you can play on the offensive or take cover behind your straw-hat. The game has an abundance of choice and possibility, a trademark from IO.

IO Artist, Henrick Hansen’s original concept art has shaped the game’s bouncy and cartoony style.

This game’s hero may be mini, but the impression it left on me certainly was not.







One response to “Mini Ninjas”

  1. Shaz avatar

    Ninjas win against pirates 😛
    Being called ‘mini ninjas’ it’s already looking to suit the gamer ‘tinyshaz’ hehe

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