Nintendo returns to support the Edinburgh Interactive Festival ‘09!

One of my fondest memories of my time here at Ready Up is the three days I spent at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival in August 2008. The Edinburgh Interactive Festival, part of The Edinburgh Festival – the biggest cultural festival in the world – offers delegates, speakers and press a unique opportunity to network and share opinions in relaxed and atmospheric surroundings. Best of all, it’s open to the public. Want to check out the latest and greatest games before they hit the shops? Looking to get connected with the people who make your favourite titles come to life? With its mix of industry and public facing events, the Edinburgh Interactive Festival is the place to be, and it’s back for 2009.

If my experience was anything to go by, the event was a tremendous success last year. This was in a large part due to the presence of Nintendo, who supported the event as a key partner. Not only did they have some fantastic games on display – including WiiWare title Lost Winds, and staff-assisted demonstrations of Wii Fit – but they went the extra mile with the Nintendo’s Cooking Guide™: Can’t decide what to eat? booth. The event, which drew large crowds every half-hour, invited the public to cook with real chefs, using the Cooking Guide as a recipe book. It was a lot of fun, and I discovered that I actually like mushroom ramen!

The Ready Up team chow-down on ramen in-between games coverage

It’s good to hear, then, that Nintendo are returning to support EIF this year. David Yarnton, General Manager Nintendo UK, said: “We are very pleased to be a part of the Edinburgh Interactive Festival once again this year. The festival is unique in that it brings together all the different aspects and facets of our business under one roof and provides the perfect opportunity for us all to celebrate our industry’s rich creative diversity. Edinburgh is an important platform for interactive entertainment and showcasing software to the public alongside TV, film, literature and comedy highlights the cultural worth and credibility of our industry to the UK and the world

Edinburgh Interactive Festival Chairman Chris Deering added: “We are delighted to be partnering with Nintendo again. It’s a free festival for the public and a great chance for everyone to come and take a look at some genuinely exciting developments within the industry. Nintendo’s involvement as a partner will certainly add another dimension to the experience for anyone attending.”

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Coverage from 2008’s EIF, incuding comments from Ready Up’s own Kirsten

With accessible gaming demos and an exclusive professional insight into the games industry, it’s no surprise that momentum for the event has continued to grow year on year. The Edinburgh Interactive Festival ’09 will take place in Edinburgh city between 10th and 16th August 2009, with the main conference running on 13th and 14th. We hope you’ll come along and play – we’re certainly going to.







4 responses to “Nintendo returns to support the Edinburgh Interactive Festival ‘09!”

  1. GamerGeekGirl avatar

    I missed it last year – I’ll definitely make sure to head down this time 🙂

    Who else is planning on going? XD

  2. John.B avatar

    Oh I think if I missed out on it there’d be problems 😛

  3. Retro Luke avatar
    Retro Luke

    I’m going to book to time off to be there. Can’t wait!

  4. Stacy Kidd avatar
    Stacy Kidd

    I can’t wait until EIF, I will be making it this year (unlike last year) and hopefully reporting on it for a mag. Eeeeee, excited.

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