So, it’s Christmas time again. A day when millions of children’s eyes light up as they get to tear into their presents. Of course, that’s just the commercial side of Christmas, so let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas – a day upon which one very small and very special package was gazed upon for the first time.
That’s right, my house has finally got a Wii.
Technically it’s not mine, I (sorry, Santa) bought it for my fiancée and to be honest with you I’m a little apprehensive about the whole thing. I envisage us playing merrily with it with family and friends over the Christmas season, just like the semi-retarded smiley people from the TV adverts. We’ll laugh, we’ll complain of aching arms and maybe Aunt Mabel will lose her balance and fall into the Christmas tree. Sadly, though, once the Christmas cheer wears off/runs out, I could easily see it being cruelly abandoned like a slightly older labrador puppy that just isn’t so cute any more.
Still, we may be able to stretch it out into the New Year, in much the same way that you can make that labrador last until Easter if you have a freezer and don’t mind lots of curry powder. I’m thinking of Wii fit – the perfect game for trying to lose the three stone you put on with a frankly astonishing Christmas diet consisting solely of Guinness and Quality Street.
And at this time of the year, you can’t forget the jolly fat man in the red outfit, either – Mario. Mario Kart should provide hours of fun long after the festivities have worn off, but I still think the Wii is going to be my gaming equivalent of a little black dress; never used for day to day but comes out for parties.
Let’s hope Nintendo prove me wrong.
Anyway, that’ll do for me now, as I’m envisaging people reading this on Christmas day with two and a half hundredweight of turkey weighing them down as they half-doze their way through the afternoon until 8.30pm, and the BBC’s excellent Wallace and Gromit.
Merry Christmas and an excellent 2009 to all of you!
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