It’s been just over a week since Blizzard unleashed Wrath of the Lich King on the teeming masses inhabiting the World of Warcraft. A whole new continent to explore, and a shiny new Hero class to potentially do it with. The Death Knight starting area is a great piece of storytelling and Death Knights themselves are pretty cool as a class, although some races are rather more imposing as Death Knights than others.
So, with this whole new continent waiting, I did what any self-respecting level 70 warlock would have done and hopped on the first boat to Northrend.
Blizzard are well-known for their art direction and Northrend is a beautiful place. The Dragonblight in particular is a lovely snowscape, and the first time I topped a rise and saw this, I just had to stop and look at it for a while:
Beyond this wall, the Lich King lurks in his icy lair.
It’s quite a big wall.
I’ve only just started to explore Northrend, a very large place, and I’m looking forward to being able to fly over it in a few levels’ time and gain yet another perspective.
A lot of people have said that Wrath is just more of the same, and although there’s quite a bit of new stuff that is true to an extent; but when the same is as good as this, I really don’t think it matters all that much.
Pretty trees!
To Northrend!
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