Eating my own words

As some of you may recall, my last post here was on the subject of the new iPod Touch, and the bold statement made by Apple’s spokeslady that the new iPod Touch is rivalling the best portable games consoles. Well, I was lucky enough to be bought one of the new iPod Nano’s (in pink, hurrah!) for my birthday by my chap, so I decided to give the motion sensor style games a try.

After being quite amused by “Maze” I decided to have a bit of a browse at the Nano’s games section on iTunes. There was a wide selection to choose from, with titles such as Sonic, Peggle, Tetris, Bomberman and Monopoly. Your usual mobile game-esque selection, with the odd surprise such as SAT preparation games! The prices were reasonable for that sort of game, so after a bit of a browse I invested in Spore Origins.

Allow me to go off on a minor tangent here, Spore never appealed to me. I couldn’t see how it could be amusing, at all. The thought of making my own little creature just didn’t capture me at all. To be perfectly honest, I have a relatively healthy level of narcissism and I far prefer playing the Sims so I can make a mini-me and decorate their house. Girly, I know, but I can’t seem to help myself. It had become a bit of a bone of contention between myself and gamer friends because I just didn’t get it. Everyone was so excited for the game and I just wasn’t bothered, at all.

So, when I bought Spore origins for my iPod (a mere £3.99, not too bad I felt!) I wasn’t expecting much. After the obligatory “I thought you said that game was stupid?” lecture from my man, I settled myself down comfortably and started up the game.

Three hours later I had to stop because it was way past my bedtime.

This game, was WONDERFUL. Simple, like an arcade game (In fact, it reminded me a lot of Asteroids), but with very clean and bright graphics. All 3D, not pixelated at all, and the motion sensor was brilliantly receptive to even the slightest movement. Over the course of the next few days I found myself spending a fair amount of my time on this game, both at home and out and about.

Inevitably, I then ended up buying Spore. Which I have now poured so many hours into I’m probably bordering on obsessive!

Now, I don’t know if this makes me odd or weird, but when it comes to gaming I love to be proven wrong. It this just means I have more to enjoy. My words have been eaten and I’m very happily immersed in my several planets worth of unusual and wonderful creatures.

My question to you is, do you like to be proven wrong? Have there been any games which you just didn’t understand, but ended up loving?







2 responses to “Eating my own words”

  1. mraz avatar

    I don’t like being proven wrong, but I’m an absent minded person and it tends to happen a little more than I would like.

    I didn’t understand the game Kameo, but I ended up playing it quite a bit and enjoying it.

    I got Spore Origins and finished all 18 levels too, but my iPod doesn’t have an accelerometer.

  2. John avatar

    If it’s in the right direction it’s sometimes quite nice to be proven wrong. Thinking a game was going to be rubbish and finding out it’s actually quite enjoyable for example.
    If it’s in the wrong direction then BOO HISS no I don’t like it at all.
    Examples: Crackdown for the former and NFS: Pro Street for the latter.

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