So while all you lot are off playing your fancy new titles i.e. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Infinite Undiscovery etc. I’m still digging out a year old game to play every night. Yes one whole year! Surprisingly long for a game really, considering how often a game is played for a short time, only to be instantly dropped for a newer title. However, it seems I’m not alone since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare still seems to be the main game taking up most of your average gamer’s time right now.
So what exactly am I still doing on this game?
Well, attempting to finish the campaign on Veteran difficulty – no easy task at all! Especially seeing as I’ve only survived about four of the missions on it. Jumping from Normal difficulty right up to Veteran is something I wouldn’t recommend, although it will definitely eat up your hours… and patience.
Then we have my most likely reason for shoving Modern Warfare into my disc drive – Xbox Live. Multiplayer in CoD4 seems to take forever to get boring, either that or my attention span isn’t very fussy about which game I play. Most of my Friends List is filled with gamers still stuck like me, awaiting titles like Fable II and Mirror’s Edge before beginning their parting with Call of Duty 4 (only to be most likely sucked back in again by World of War).
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