I’m hooked, they tried to make me go to Xbox Live Rehab but I said “Just one more match!!!”. Unreal Tournament 3 has even coaxed me into playing during the daytime which is something I don’t usually do cause I wont get anything else done. But fuck it I’m being bad and loving it and I don’t care who knows. I’ve never got into playing anything online on PC, the fact that I couldn’t last three seconds without getting slayed sort of put me off, so this is my first Unreal Tournament game. I have even forgiven it for the months and months of PS3 exclusivity cause it’s just so freaking awesome!
I don’t care that the campaign is a bit bunk, this game was made for me. It’s absolutely insane and definitely not for the faint hearted. Even the tiny pistol kicks total ass on this game and the only tip I could give to a noob is “Don’t stand still, not even for a second”.
I have never been one for realistic multiplayers. Cod4 is a beautiful as near perfect wartime combat gaming experience as one can get. I loved the campaign but can’t get into the multiplayer at all. I’m not tactically minded one bit, the only actions I plan are “head for the weapon I most want and start shooting” I don’t want to check my corners, I don’t want to have to strain to see camouflaged opponents, I want to charge around like a crazy person blasting anything that crosses my path and be able to spin round lightning fast and blast a bright red or blue chump in the face for being so cheeky as to shoot me in the back.
I spend enough of my time thinking, I’m recently laid off, got domestics going on and I’m pregnant. I don’t want to play a game that’s gonna involve me using my brain, I want some fast paced mindless carnage to soothe my hormonal moments and to keep me busy so I don’t notice the urge to munch way too many Mars Bars.
Mmmmmmmm Mars Bars.
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