Many a stink has been kicked up by huffy sore losers who’ve been beaten by “one moving”, “You only won that match cause you kept shooting me in the face with the Shotgun” they cry, or accuse you of cheating because you kept using your favourite characters special move till they k.o’d leaving you with a very gloatful amount of energy left.
If it’s working, why not keep doing it?
Once they realises it’s possible to counteract any move any opponent would have to adapt
but it is pretty funny to Shotty someone in the face again and again while they run at you with an assault rifle firing.
A variation of “one Moving” is “camping” – picking a tactically advantageous spot and staying there, best done with a Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher picking off opponents when ever they’re in view. This has been claimed on gaming forums to be borderline cheating. Of course if a player has a bit of a brain about them they’re not gonna cross your path to get fragged more than twice, once if they’re vengeful (like me).
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