One Moving

Many a stink has been kicked up by huffy sore losers who’ve been beaten by “one moving”, “You only won that match cause you kept shooting me in the face with the Shotgun” they cry, or accuse you of cheating because you kept using your favourite characters special move till they k.o’d leaving you with a very gloatful amount of energy left.

If it’s working, why not keep doing it?

Once they realises it’s possible to counteract any move any opponent would have to adapt
but it is pretty funny to Shotty someone in the face again and again while they run at you with an assault rifle firing.

A variation of “one Moving” is “camping” – picking a tactically advantageous spot and staying there, best done with a Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher picking off opponents when ever they’re in view. This has been claimed on gaming forums to be borderline cheating. Of course if a player has a bit of a brain about them they’re not gonna cross your path to get fragged more than twice, once if they’re vengeful (like me).








8 responses to “One Moving”

  1. Dan avatar

    I’m not a fan of camping snipers, but in any decent game there is usually a path to flank them. Nothing better than standing over a prone sniper and killing him with your Golden Desert Eagle!

    I am awful for running into the same quick death over and over again but thats me bing stupid, not the enemy cheating.

  2. Evil Harb avatar
    Evil Harb

    Love the image, Laura – gotta luv icanhascheezeburger, eh? ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have to admit that in games like CS:S I have a certain spot I sit at for the beginning of rounds every now and then, but I only do it for a few seconds…just long enough for the enemy to still be wondering if I’m there or not, and by then I’ve usually run behind them ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Shaz avatar

    Little do the rowdy ruffians know their screaming banter just entertains us!

  4. Michael avatar

    I hate snipers with a vengeance; I once found myself against a whole team of them. Like Dan, I will return to the point of my death – I do it to try and avenge my own death. Often, I succeed.

    It’s excellent creeping up behind a sniper (or camper) when their attention is elsewhere

  5. Tony avatar

    Maybe I’m being a complete noob but I’ve never heard the expression “One moving” before.

    It is frustrating playing against some of these tactics but I wouldn’t consider them to be cheating. Sniper keeps killing you? Get a grenade through his window! Bang, sniper splatter…

  6. MrCuddleswick avatar

    The “one moving” I’m most annoyed with at the moment is people constantly picking Barcelona or Brazil on PES2008.

    Those teams are sort of like a shotgun to the face a lot of the time…….

  7. Laura avatar

    One Moving is a term I’ve come across growing up in + around the Welsh Valleys playing Street Fighter and such, we are simple folk + don’t use posh or technical terms round here. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Martin avatar

    I used to be in a clan who didn’t allow snipers in COD2, I think it was because I could split their hairs at 400 yards, strange that with the advent of COD4 the snipers are accepted more now. What about M Bisons’ trip up move? Classic one move strategy. Everyone hated that, but good for the cheap win.

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