Tag: wii

  • The Ready Up Podcast – Season 3 Episode 9 – “Not GTA!”

    Tony, Danny and Scott get all Pokemon in the house – but X or Y?!

  • Bayonetta 2 gets a brand new Wii U trailer for E3

    Bayonetta 2 is coming to the Wii U at some point in 2014, but Nintendo has released a brand new trailer at E3 – that is absolutely available to view below. Nintendo didn’t have a dedicated E3 press conference, as Sony and Microsoft did, but still have been able to capture my attention with a…

  • Nintendo Reveals New Wii & Wii U Accessories in Japan

    Japan will soon receive the Wii U Premium console set in white, a colour normally reserved for the Basic model. Despite the lower price, Basic model Wii U units have sold poorly in comparison its Premium brother, likely due to the accessories and games included in the larger pack. Perhaps the most significant accessory announcement…

  • Bit Socket – Pandora’s Tower Review

    Would you still love Joe if he had big purple tentacles growing from his face?

  • Nintendo shutting down certain Wii online services

    One of the seven signs of the impending apocalypse has been announced, as Nintendo has confirmed that it will be shutting down selected functions of the Wii’s online services on June 28th this year. All 100,000,000 or so Wii owners will lose the online functionality of the following Wii services when Nintendo brings the pain…

  • Issues of Import – Wiigion Locked

    Well, Nintendo’s done it again. With the advent of the Wii U, we have the sixth region-locked Nintendo system in a row (following in the footsteps of the Wii, DSi, DSi XL, 3DS and 3DS XL). What does this mean? Well, for me it means waiting about to see which games come out where, buying a…

  • With The Good, Comes The Bad

    Gaming, and gaming culture, has gone down a funny route these past ten years or so. On the one hand, it is a lot more mainstream, and it’s getting more and more acceptable to say ‘hey, I’m 35. I own an Xbox 360’. It’s not really seen as a thing you should have quit when you turned 12 anymore. It is easier…

  • Is it time for Nintendo to let go of Ocarina of Time?

    Those folks at Nintendo are ridiculously proud of Ocarina of Time – and rightly so. When it was first released it garnered many a perfect review score along with all the squeals and the excitement. Thirteen years later and it regularly tops “Ultimate games of all time” lists and features in God knows how many nostalgic…

  • Doesn’t Y Go Back Anymore? I Mean Triangle

    My Xbox 360 isn’t happy. It has had to budge up. It’s been lording it over the puny Wii for ages, sat there on the top TV stand shelf, surrounded by glorious space. The Wii has been looking up, shaking its tiny glossy white fist at the 360, relegated as it is to the bottom…

  • Confessions of a Control(ler) Freak

    I recently listened to Episode 5 of the Ready Up podcast and its great Martin’s Musing, where he pondered EA’s decision to not allow players to start their games by pushing the A button on their Xbox 360 controller. While I worry a little about my highly esteemed Ready Up colleague, (after all, covering such…