Tag: trackmania
E3 Reactions: Ubisoft
Assassin’s Creed makes its predicted appearance, but Ubisoft actually have one or two surprises, too…
TrackMania 2: Stadium and TrackMania 2: Valley
It’s bizarre to think that TrackMania 2: Canyon has been out for almost two years. Without a single release in 2012, it probably speaks to the success of that experience that developers Nadeo were able to wait until earlier this year to release their take on the first-person shooter, ShootMania. Now, two more TrackMania games…
ShootMania Storm
ShootMania Storm is a bit of an odd product when you consider the previous game that developer Nadeo is famous for, TrackMania 2. Instead of a wacky, racing-lite time-trials experience – one where players were often encouraged to flip their cars upside down while listening to Jurassic Park dub-step – ShootMania is a multiplayer first-person shooter, with a…
Is this the beginning of the end?
Is something rotten in Xbox Live Arcade land just now? I can’t go to any gaming site at the moment without seeing snippets of news suggesting that it’s a format in a state of rapid decline and we should, you know, all start praying for our lives and other sensationalist tripe. it can’t all be…