Tag: suda 51

  • Killer is Dead reveal trailer set loose

    SUDA 51, apparently unswayed by a lack of success with regards to Lollipop Chainsaw, is back at it with the already announced Killer is Dead. It’s always interesting to know what old Mr. 51 is up to, and thankfully we’re now being gracefully dragged by the throat into the know by this brand new reveal…

  • Grasshopper Manufactures

    Grasshopper Manufacture, known as the folks behind seminal games such as Killer7 and No More Heroes, are upping their game. Their latest game, Shadows of the Damned was groomed for greatness throughout its development. A collaboration between horror veterans Suda51, Shinji Mikami and Akira Yamaoka – three names being namedropped at any given opportunity. Although…

  • What the cel?!

    Ah Okami…I don’t think any developer could bow out from the industry with such finesse and accomplishment as well as Clover Studios did when they released this on PS2 two years ago. Since then, the company may have been dissolved and reborn in the shape of Platinum Games (formerly Seeds Inc.) However, Okami’s charm lives…