Tag: space

  • Let’s Play FTL: Part 3

    Let’s Play FTL: Part 3

    Will Susan snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? Will we ever get over the death of Magmar? Is it really on Easy? Find out in the final chapter of our epic space saga.

  • Let’s Play FTL: Part 1

    Let’s Play FTL: Part 1

    Susan and Verity play FTL and discover the giant space spiders really are no joke.

  • In Space No-one Can Hear You Base

    Thom gets spacey with the 5th Alpha release of Doublefine’s SpaceBase DF-9.

  • Starbound Beta

    “It’s a bit like Terraria in space.” When UK-based indie development studio Chucklefish Games announced their ambitious project Starbound just over eighteen months ago, that statement would have been enough to guarantee the sales needed to fund to rest of development. And indeed, from the pre-order numbers alone, that’s proven to be the case; Starbound raised…

  • Pipe Dreams – Galaxy Quest

    I like to believe that we can all agree that Galaxy Quest is a brilliant movie. It was funny, humorous, hilarious, rib-tickling, witty, and starring Tim Allen. It has been one of the very few films I have endeavoured to buy on VHS, DVD, and Bluray upon release. Galaxy Quest hit us right at the…