Tag: resident evil

  • Playing With The Lights On

    Fear. In the world of gaming we can claim to be fans of horror but when you think about it, playing through a game that really succeeds as a truly scary game is not a pleasant experience. I do enjoy playing these types of games, but only when I am with friends, or more recently…

  • Fear of the Dark

    Inspired by Emily‘s recent blog about her descent into Amnesia (I’m here all night), I feel obliged to mention that she’s not the only one who isn’t that keen on horror games. You guessed it: Duncan! Me! Then again, the games that have scared me in the past haven’t exactly been what you would call…

  • Forgotten Ideas

    Everybody remembers Resident Evil when it was still a Survival Horror. We all know where we were when we first played the 1996 title and we all jumped a mile when the dogs burst through the window. We all agreed it was getting stale by the time Resident Evil 0 came out, and rejoiced when Leon…

  • Bad Habits?

    Due to the extremely boring and unfortunately timed task of moving house a few weeks ago, I’ve missed out on a lot of hours of gaming time and a couple of big releases. How can I justify purchasing HomeFront when there’s paint to be bought? How could I possibly explain buying Dragon Age 2 when I have to get…

  • Ode to the ‘Com

    Thunder cracks over a dark night sky. A storm is brewing. Atop a windswept hill two powerful warriors battle for glory. Upon the brink of victory, a fierce enemy prepares for his final blow. Smug with the win, he pauses before leaping towards his victim. Sensing the attack, his opponent prepares to make his last…

  • Mellow Yellow

    Of all the veteran developers active in the game industry this year, Capcom have certainly been turning heads with just about everything they do. Forget EA, Activision and Ubisoft – while great developers in their own right, none have appeased their fanbase quite as much as this powerhouse. Take Megaman 9 for example. There’s nothing…

  • What the cel?!

    Ah Okami…I don’t think any developer could bow out from the industry with such finesse and accomplishment as well as Clover Studios did when they released this on PS2 two years ago. Since then, the company may have been dissolved and reborn in the shape of Platinum Games (formerly Seeds Inc.) However, Okami’s charm lives…