Tag: peter molyneux

  • The Inside of Curiosity’s Cube is Revealed

    Curiosity: What’s Inside the Cube? was a social experiment by Fable and Populous creator Peter Molyneux, designed to bring people together in a team effort to reveal a wonderful prize. It took 25 billion taps to pick away at the cube and reveal its centre. Peter Molyneux previously said that the reward would be “life-changing”…

  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

    A couple of weeks ago I finished Fable III and have since been playing through a second time, largely to scratch my Achievement-whore itch (damn those Legendary Weapons!) but also to try to put a finer point on exactly why this latest excursion into Albion was both a huge disappointment for me, and not the…

  • Reconnecting with Kinect

    I have a confession: I’m really excited about Kinect. Now only a few weeks away, I can’t wait to put friends and family through their paces and watch as we all flail around in the name of entertainment! However, this level of excitement was nearly killed altogether by that most evil of forces: lag! For…